Terms of service.

We like simple clear and transparent so we make the Dollar Dream Club the same way. The subscription is £11.11 a month until you choose to end. We don’t tie you in with long unreadable speels about IP ownership , legals or others complex topics.

We trust first, we give abundantly. So if you stop paying you stop getting access. You can start anytime, stop anytime. Just simply know that your payment lasts for that week you paid in.

The content taken from The Master Key is public access our focus has been our interpretation of it , a 21st century worthy upgrade, applicable and in english. We don’t give shared files, downloads its a dollar a week after all. It’s yours to live in the moment, apply, do and get the results. If you want more after the 26 weeks , you can stay on the subscription and then you can move to our next part of Dollar Dream Club. All up to you.

Hopefully one of the shortest T&C’s you will ever read.