Intentional Choices?
Our biological body is making innate choices for us everyday, these we don’t control and still the same things happen the body makes choices and we experience changes .
The psychological, emotional, mental, physical choices we own fully, we are responsible for our own actions (choices), They can make sit under a few headings, I have generalised what i think they are :
Habitual choices- The choice that starts with “always do it this way”,” it’s how it works for me”, so even if it is a good/bad choice you are going to choose to do it anyway. The good habitual choices are the ones that connect us to our self care- health, wellness, being, living our value set. The bad choices are the ones that carry a guilt with it and we carry on doing as a validation of I do it this way.
Forced choices- These choices can be very damaging, it’s when we go with the flow to “fit in”. Do as we are told even when it’s against our own value set. Those decisions and choices that make us feel uncomfortable and we are capable of deleting as we get defensive about making them. This unhealthy choice option we have to be candid we do as we either not sure, uncertain, coerced into. These carry blame and shame with them.
Considered choices - the healthiest of choices as if we pause and consider the choice, we feel and act with kindness, consideration to self and others. We don’t always know the change that occurs from our choices however if considered we have more acceptance and ability to move on with out guilt, blame or shame. and see the choose as it is considered.
These 5 choices can apply to any situation or decision you need to chose from. They allow for consideration. That consideration is a moment, a few seconds, a micro or it maybe 24 hours.
We also coach an RLC technique called S+C-(i)=O. This is also a great way to make considered choices.
The key thing in making good, considered choices is takes a bit more work than just going with the flow. if you want to create the change you want, then considered choices is in your control. It’s now up to to you to choose.
You are here in Dollar Dream Club- Considered and Habitual Choices already made
A great intentional considered choice has been made, one that create positive habit choices. You have started this unlearning and choice already. Staying persistent, uncomfortable and in a state if unlerabing will aid you to move forward each day choosing to Watch LIsten and Do the Dollar Dream Club actions.
We know that being a state of “new”, applying new choices everyday on how you will stay focussed and choosing to see the value, benefits and bost your own life through small compound choices everyday. Amazing will happen. You will become more receptive, more aware, and each Dream Drop takes you a step nearer. Allow and accept impatience to progress, choose to do your Dollar Dream Club work each day.
“To accomplish great things we must not only act but also [choose to] dream, not only plan but also [choose to ] believe.”