Are you making excuses?
or things we let get in your way
Ask yourself
What stops you from doing things?
What blocks you?
What happens when you can’t get started?
How do you feel when you do something good?
How do you feel when you stop doing something positive?
What are the people or situations that impede you?
We can make this list a lot longer easily - the theme being what choice are you making that stops you from doing something?
Could be anything?
Your Dollar Dream Club practice? Exercise? Eating better? Moving? Reading? Thinking time? Being intentional? Not assuming? Slowing down? Speeding up?
Everyone has these moments sometimes short and sometimes longer periods that occur and we lose momentum, stop doing what’s better for us. We are living in times that tell us quick fixes work or are true? It’s Not. We truly all know this. Yet we choose to believe it.
Giving advice is easy
We are great at giving advice, telling others what to do yet we don’t do it. We choose to tell others what works for them yet do we reflect that back in what we are doing? As a coach I see this dichotomy every day- people tell me they know this fact or that fact, yet I don’t do it. Or do I see and understand the benefit this would make to me, yet I haven’t done it?
Your language is key. It’s odd isn’t it - that we choose to not believe what we know is true?
The three things YOU can do to get out of your own way!
These three words can make a big difference to the removal of excuses.
“Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” ”
So, if you do want change, a different result, a new perspective or not keep repeating the same thing. Consider these three things.
Remember if we don’t believe we think negatively and more negative things happen to us, if we choose to believe and live it in our language, internal (your head talk) and external (others), we see more positive things happen to us.
If you say and believe this in your head: I have no money, I have so much debt, I can’t make any more money, I am useless with money – your brain goes yes you have no money so it feels like more bills come (yet they would have anyway?!), your actions rationalise, and you spend more of what you don’t have. Negative cycles occur.
If you say and believe this in your head: I can work this out, I can make more money, I will be able to support myself financially, I am great with money- your brain goes yes your great with money let’s not buy that we don’t need it, you attract and see the things you can improve, you take action. Bills do arrive and your focus is on believing you can and will sort them.
Practising these three things will also boost this simple way of making things happen too.
Start noticing what you are not noticing.
This oxymoronic statement is that we notice what we choose (that word again) to notice. Yet when we start to focus more, internally first (as Dollar Dream Club teaches us) we start to notice more.
One way to reset this mental connection is to step outside, go somewhere green a park, your garden, an outdoor plant pot! The reality isn’t about the size of natural space it’s being near and within it.
Nature is consistent. Nature has its cycles, it ebbs and flows, it progresses, it evolves, it overcomes, it changes yet from a base of consistent action. Nature’s consistency month in month out is from steady, small impacts every day. Small actions every day. Sometimes you don’t even see the changes, yet they are happening. The cumulative outcome is we experience the seasons, the changes. Growth, resetting, restoring, change.
We all do this if we notice it. Mostly for the good yet, we do consistent things that stop us from consistent growth. Find yours and to do that you need to start noticing! See what I did there!
This is to give you thoughts, reflections, and things to think about that can help you. Think small, small steps like Dollar Dream Club week by week you are growing your skill and it may seem small- this incremental small change makes the huge differences.