Your SuperPower
Humans have three states (awake, asleep, dream), controlled by the reticular activating system - RAS- located in the brainstem and part of the spine .The RAS is a filter it focuses on the information you give it then sifts through what you see, say, hear, connect with and then replays it back to you. Filtering in on all the things you focus on.
The RAS Super Power will boost your Dollar Dream Club and Master Key finding.
· Examples are you learn a new word and then start hearing it everywhere
· When in a crowd you can tune out and then immediately snap to attention when someone says your name or something that at least sounds like it.
· You focus on your goals. Your RAS will reveal the people, information and opportunities that help you achieve them.
· If you say you have a bad memory, the RAS will focus on it
The positive and negative works the same way so be warned a superpower can be a nemesis too.
If you say you can't, the RAS will seek out and connect to the reasons and instances why.
All done innately and with INTENTIONAL positive thoughts, actions, it works in your favour. Turn this around, and it will also focus on any negative you choose too as well.
Consider it as an antenna for what you are looking for, connect this with your Dollar Dream, Master Key work, and you can see how important this part of your brain function is.
Think how powerful this is – thoughts become things.
The RAS helps you see what you want to see and by default influences your actions. Focus on the wrong things, and you will invite negativity into your life. Focus on the right things, and they will come to you because your brain is seeking them out. It's about visualizing what we want and then letting our subconscious and conscious work together to make it happen.
Things to take note of :
Your language and its power to the RAS and the outcomes – I hope, I want, I need all add doubt as they are not focussed directly use the word INTEND, the power of being intentional in behaviour and attitude is as mighty as the words
I intend to complete that today
I want to complete that today
I hope to complete that today
I need to complete that today
The impact of extra focus in the RAS. As the RAS neurons (its energy of creating, filtering and focusing) are associated to the Vagus Nerve as well, you may experience twitches, coughing, sneezing, eye movements, and also tensing or relaxing of the jaw. It can also create emotions. That deep connection to this area of the brain and how it influences. This is good and this unlearning means you are actively having an impact
The power of its location and energy (neurons) you can actively manage pain from the RAS too, through high levels of visualizations, focus. It makes sense that if we focus on something, we can manage the external and internal from this point of thinking.
Your sleep state and the RAS can be affected too- this little area (about 2 inches long) also affects us in our three states, awake, asleep and dreaming (REM). The low function of the RAS has impacts on mental illness, and too poor sleep so practise using and being aware is a positive activity.
Unlearning with RAS
The RAS and its reticular formation explained from a personal experience from me. When I bought my first house, I had only seen it once before and hadn't taken notice of the main train line that passed by it—the Mainline from England to Scotland. Trains went past every 30 minutes. It rattled the windows; it made a thunderous noise, and sometimes the train blared its horn. After a couple of weeks living there, I didn't even notice this external noise I was focused on everything else around me. Yet visitors always mentioned it.
We can train our RAS positively and your actions you are undertaking in Dollar Dream Club boost this unique superpower and opportunity
As you experience through Dollar Dream Club, theory and unlearning is great, YET you have to take the action, "do the do", make it happen through doing, act upon, physically do. RAS will strengthen if we use it and also weaken if we don't.
References and extra research .Dennett, 1991; McGinn, 1991; Edelman, 1992; Flanagan, 1992; Milner and Rugg, 1992; Searle, 1992; Crick, 1994; Penrose, 1994; Metzinger, 1995; Chalmers, 1996; Velmans 1996; Weiskrantz, 1997; Hurley, 1998; Jasper et al., 1998; Rose, 1998; Velmans, 2000Clinical Neurology (Third Edition), 2007Nolte J. The Human Brain: An Introduction to its Functional Anatomy. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA. Elsevier; 2009 Garcia-Rill E. Disorders of the reticular activating system. Med Hypotheses. 1997 Nov;49(5):379-87. [PubMed] Karson CN, Garcia-Rill E, Biedermann J, Mrak RE, Husain MM, Skinner RD. The brain stems reticular formation in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res. 1991 May;40(1):31-48. [PubMed]